Have you ever wondered...

Have you ever wondered how you might use your religious faith to move you toward greater self-expression in service to the vision of a more just and peaceful world? Let's chat...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What's New?

It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog posting, a fact which has not gone unnoticed by many of you.  From what I hear, it’s pretty typical of graduate students everywhere to disappear between midterms and finals.  Somehow the work (and pressure) seems to reach a fevered pitch and it gets hard to squeeze in much else.  My life has been no exception.
Most of my blog entries have been musings on theological concepts arising in the course of my studies, and I have appreciated the openness so many of you have shown me in reading, questioning, and critiquing many of my thoughts.  I certainly have more to say, but lack the time to write thoughtful and well-written essays about all that is on my mind.  Today’s entry will be a more personal update on new developments in my academic life.
Out of the topsy-turvy, world-shaking questioning that emerges during the first year of seminary, I think I am finally gaining a little bit of clarity.  My academic plans seem to be firming up, and I’m pretty excited to share details.  Prior to coming here I’d been in the Masters in Sustainable Communities program at Northern Arizona University studying the intersection of theology, gender studies, and sustainability.  In large part my entry to seminary can be attributed to the educational experience provided in that program.  I have recently made arrangements to complete that program at a distance, which will add some to my current workload but I find that I have not completely nurtured the thoughts germinated in that program and feel a need to do so.  It will be a lot of work, but well worth it!
Likewise, I have become more committed than ever to pursuing my doctoral studies of the same issues that continue to draw me forward: the link between theology, gender studies, and sustainability.  Given that I anticipate at least 4 years of study beyond my M.Div. I’m super excited to share that I have received numerous transfer credits and with some extra classes during summer and winter I’ll be able to graduate in 2012 after only 2 years of additional study, instead of 3 years as the program calls for.  While on the one had I will miss out on some of the divinity school experience, I will also avoid incurring another $20,000 of student loan debt so it’s financially imperative that I move forward at this pace.   
One question that may be on your minds is “whatever happened to that social justice ministry?”  And I would love to answer that.  The details are still in flux, but I’m working with Audra Teague, a classmate in the M.Div. program, on a very exciting interfaith fellowship idea around the issue of social justice ministry, details TBA.  We will explore both the outer/active role of clergy in social justice and community organizing, and the inner/reflective role of spiritual practices in sustaining one through doing that work.  I’m honored to have such a lovely soul with whom to collaborate, and I sure hope she doesn’t mind me sharing all this in my blog J
My primary goal in all of this planning is to support my social justice ministry in a way that brings my unique gifts to the table while making the biggest impact I can potentially make in that arena, which as I see it may be through teaching theology/religious studies at the university or seminary level.  In the meantime, I will do what I can from where I stand.  Wish me luck, and fortitude!